The dealer is then found to have the four aces instead. Also, The Cross is another excellent deal with the kings arriving to the dealers hand only to then magically appear in the sucker hand. So far I have seen nothing impromptu to touch it save for Jack Carpenters D.C. Among my gambling favorites are The Sting, an amazing triple duke from a borrowed and shuffled deck. I managed to get hold of a second hand copy of Cardshark recently.

I have to echo Michael Vincents thorough post. 275 CHAPTER EIGHT: CREATING THE CHARACTER.

270 CHAPTER SEVEN: THE FUNCTIONS OF CHARACTER. 257 Anti–Climaxes.258 Simultaneous Climaxes.263 Underselling The Climax. Surprise.215 Twist Endings.215 Kicker Endings. 201 The Intriguing Question.202 The Spectator Question.203 The Inverted Question. 159 Conflict Against Machine.161 Conflict Against Imaginary Character. 153 Credibility.154 CHAPTER FIVE: SITUATIONAL MEANING. 146 The Inherent Meaningfulness Of Magic. Reaching The Emotions.28 Intellectual Vs. 5 A Hand of Cards–A Game–A Book (Juan Tamariz).15 Introduction: Showmanship As Technique. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without written permission.įor Maureen, the best thing that ever happened to meĬontents Contents. Printed and Bound in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 © Copyright 1994, 1995 by Darwin Ortiz.

MAGIC CREATIVE SHOWMANSHIP FOR THE CLOSE–UP MAGICIANĭARWIN ORTIZ Edited by Richard Kaufman, Matthew Field, and Mark Phillips

Also by Darwin Ortiz Gambling Scams (1984) Darwin Ortiz on Casino Gambling (1986) Darwin Ortiz at the Card Table (1988) The Annotated Erdnase (1991) Strong Magic (1994) Cardshark (1995)